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Chef Zazu

Hello everybody, my name is Zazu, I'm 24 years old and i've been cooking ever since I was a teenager. I was always hungry so I had to make due with whatever there was at home, this led to the creation of many different sandwiches and dishes that only I could stomach, but as I grew older and got to explore actual food being elevated to another level, I began to apply that. I grew a subtle passion for making food people like to eat. Starting from culture specific food and broadening to other horizons. I've much to learn and experience in my culinary life, and I can't wait to pursue this ever evolving quest of the palet.

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My Story

My story is very simple, I'm just somebody who likes to eat good food and due to this I've had to learn to make some of those dishes myself. I've evolved my cooking style as well so that those around me can enjoy my cooking and not want to run away. I want to continue learning new things in the culinary world and with Eloquent Chef's platform we can all learn together.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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